Valeria Brusnikina, manager of the IT projects portfolio of the IPChain Association, answers questions from foreign media
04 February 2021
The “First Musical Publisher” [Pervoe muzykal’noe izdatel’stvo] filed two suits against the owner of the Zayсev.net music portal––and won both in court. Per the publisher’s demands, the site must block links to pirated copies of songs, as well as pay financial compensation. In the first suit, the company claimed 40 million rubles of damages for illegal links to songs by Leningrad, Monatik, Serebro, Agatha Christie [Agata Kristi] and Guests from the Future [Gosti iz budushchego]. The court ordered the defendant to pay 3.23 million rubles. Per the second suit, Zaycev.net must pay an additional 660,000 rubles.
The owners of Zaycev.net dispute the plaintiff’s claims and assert that they support the legal use of music, but when working with labels, the site “does not always receive up-to-date information on changes to the rights holder.”
As Roman Lukyanov, managing partner of Semenov & Pevzner, noted, the music site may be completely blocked if one of the rights holders files another suit upon winning one of these cases. The expert also stated that this case differs from typical practice in that the plaintiff will receive “a considerable amount of financial compensation for this category of case,” which may serve as an example for other copyright holders.